FasterRCNN model implemented by torchvision.
backbone = NULL,
remove_internal_transforms = TRUE,
pretrained = TRUE
Number of classes.
Backbone model to use. Defaults to a resnet50_fpn model.
The torchvision model internally applies transforms like resizing and normalization, but we already do this at the `Dataset` level, so it's safe to remove those internal transforms.
Argument passed to `fastercnn_resnet50_fpn` if `backbone is NULL`. By default it is set to TRUE: this is generally used when training a new model (transfer learning). `pretrained = FALSE` is used during inference (prediction) for cases where the users have their own pretrained weights. **faster_rcnn_kwargs: Keyword arguments that internally are going to be passed to `torchvision.models.detection.faster_rcnn.FastRCNN`.